Please read the rules carefully, especially in connection with the posting of entries. Please include suitably sized pre-paid envelopes for return of work if required.
General Prizes.
Cups, Trophies, Shields, as indicated. Book Tokens £20 First, £15 Second £10 Third and Certificates of Merit.
The Legonna Prize
a £50 Book token and the Tioges Trophy will be awarded to the school/college with the highest number of quality entries and must be used to buy a book or books about Cornwall for the school/college library.
Map Kenwyn Prize
Awarded at the discretion of the committee to encourage students whose work shows much promise.
Age Ranges
For each class as shown, age is that as applicable on 31st August 2009
Class 15 Award Treneer Shield
ENGLISH VERSE on a Cornish subject. Limit 100 lines.
Competitors 12 – 18yrs.
Class 16 Award Crida Cup
ENGLISH VERSE on a Cornish subject. Limit 100 lines.
Competitors 10 – 11yrs.
Class 17 Award Den Arwennek Trophy
ENGLISH VERSE on a Cornish subject. Limit 100 lines.
Competitors under 10yrs.
Class 18 and 19
DETAILED STUDY OF A CORNISH SUBJECT. e.g. Projects on Village, Parish, Family or Personal, when subject allows.
Class 18 Competitors 14 – 18 yrs Award Scos Pol Ter Shield.
Class 19 Competitors under 14yrs Award Map Melyn Shield.
For classes 18 and 19, individuals are invited to submit their work on a C.D. for the computer. Preferably Microsoft Word. OR make a 10-minute VHS video. e.g. film your area and interview relevant people etc. Name, age and school/college address must be included.

Class 20 - 22
DETAILED STUDY OF A CORNISH SUBJECT. e.g. Projects on Village, Parish, Family or Personal, when subject allows. The study could be a biography of a Cornish person or an event in Cornish History.
Classes 20 – 22 are to be in a hand written form, with the aid of some pictures and printing from a computer. Please use lightweight A4 Ring files only. Name, age school/college address must be clearly marked on the front cover.
Class 20 Competitors 13yrs Award Treneer Shield (2)
Class 21 Competitors 12yrs Award Trevenson-Munn Shield
Class 22 Competitors 11yrs and under Award Chun Cup.
Class 23 Award Cardiff Cornish Association Cup
Competitors 12 – 18yrs.
Class 24 Award Scholar Shield or Tallyour Trophy
Competitors 7 yrs and under - up to 300 words
Competitors 8 to 11 yrs - up to 500 words.
Class 25 Award Trophy
Single photograph in colour or black and white on a Cornish Theme. Mount on A4 sized card and write clearly why you chose this photograph. Write name, age and school/college address on reverse.
Class 26 Award Trevanion Shield
PAINTING IN ANY MEDIUM Competitors 12 – under 18yrs
Paintings should be on a Cornish theme, e.g. My Cornwall, How I Picture Cornwall, My Favourite Place in Cornwall etc.
Class 27 Award Howldrehevel Shield
PAINTING IN ANY MEDIUM Competitors 11yrs and under
Paintings should be on a Cornish theme, e.g. My Cornwall, How I Picture Cornwall, My Favourite Place in Cornwall etc.

All work should be original, hitherto unpublished and not entered for ANY previous competition. The Judges` decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Please write your name, age school/college address CLEARLY on all entries.
Entry is FREE to all under 18yrs Competitions
The Gorsedd reserves the right to exhibit all winning entries on the Gorsedd Website gorsethkernow.org.uk and at the Exhibition on Gorsedd Day. Although great care will be taken of entries, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage. If return of work is required suitably sized pre-paid envelopes should accompany your entry. Photocopies are acceptable where applicable, but are not returnable.
Entries can be collected from the Gorsedd Exhibition from 6.00pm until 7.00pm on Gorsedd Day, thereafter you will need to make your own arrangements for collection, from the Competitions Secretary. No entries can be removed from the exhibition without prior permission of the Competitions Secretary
CLOSING DATE FOR ALL CLASSES - Tuesday 31st March 2009
Further details if required are available from:
The Competitions Secretary, Mrs Vanessa Moyle, 52 Raymond Road, Redruth, Cornwall. Tel
RESULTS will be announced in the press in late August. The first Prize Winner in each class will be invited to attend the annual Gorsedd Ceremony – The first Saturday in September – to receive the award from the Grand Bard. Please can all first Prize Winners dress in school uniform to receive their prize at the Gorsedd Ceremony. Please return cups, trophies etc. by the end of the Summer Term to the trophy steward whose name is clearly marked on all awards. No photography is allowed in the Gorseth Circle.
Classes 15, 16, and 17
Mr. P. Franklin, Gwel an Avon, 10 Poltair Road, Penryn.
Classes 18, 19 and 25
Mrs Vanessa Moyle, 52 Raymond Road, Redruth, Cornwall. Tel
Class 20, 21 and 22
Miss M. Garland, Trelawney, New Park, Wadebridge, PL27 7PN
Class 23 and 24
Mrs. Marsha Taylor, 111 Dolcoath Road, Camborne, TR14 8RP
Class 26 and 27
Mrs. M. Jacket, 15 St. Peters Road, Flushing, Falmouth. Tel.