
Berdh Gorsedh Kernow
a vew dhe witha
an spyrys Keltek Kenedhlek
a Gernow

Klyckya omma rag gwiasva benn (Kernewek)
The Gorsedd
of the Bards of Cornwall
exists to maintain
the national Celtic spirit
of Cornwall

Click here for main website (English)

Cornish flag

English flag

green line

Gwir pryntya © 2001-2003
Web design copyright © 2001-2003
An wiasva ma yw mentenys 2004-2012 Rob Follett Computer Services
Web site maintained 2004-2012 Rob Follett Computer Services
Pub ymach yw ewnskrif Gorsedh Kernow marnas ev yw ken askrifys
Text and all images copyright © 2001-2012 The Gorsedd of Cornwall unless otherwise attributed